Please Complete Setup Questionnaire Below

After submitting your questions you will be directed to a new page to book your review call.

  • General Settings

    Please complete this form the best you can. If any information is not available right now, please leave it blank and we can finish the settings on your training call.
  • What do you want your RecTimes URL link to be?
  • Venues

  • What do you want to label/call each venue. Please provide a list.
  • What Event types for sorting do you want on each venue.
  • What time does the facility open and close? If some of the venue hours are different please specify for each day of the week.
  • Do you have prime/non-prime hours please specify.
  • Please specify the hourly rates for each venue and if you have prime/non-prime rates. Keep in mind rates can also be saved under a customer profile when you add them.
  • Do you charge any tax? If yes what is the tax label and what is the rate.
  • Do you want to show the group names to the public or have every booking say “Booked” instead? You can also turn privacy on/off for each individual group to show up to the public view.
  • Admin Accounts

  • Please list of all staff who you would like to grant access to the system. Please include the following information for each admin account:

    1) First and Last Name
    2) Email address
    3) Grant Full Access or View Only Access
  • Customer Online Booking Options

  • What customer types do you want preload into your settings
  • We have 3 options. Please let us know what option you would like to start with. Many customers start with View or Request first, and then try credit card later when they are comfortable with the system.
  • For Customer Request & Credit Card Options Only

  • How many days in advance can a customer book online?
  • What is the minimum amount of time a customer can book
  • What is the maximum amount of time a customer can book online?
  • What pop up message do you want customers to see if they try and book outside of the criteria set in the settings?
  • Branding and Files

  • Transparent .png file is preferred (png, jpg)
    Accepted file types: png, pdf, jpg, eps, ai.
  • This is for online customer booking (pdf, docx, doc)
    Accepted file types: pdf, docx, doc.
  • This is for your seasonal contracts and agreements (pdf, docx, doc)
    Accepted file types: pdf, docx, doc.